Art lies at the heart of everything we do here at Beecroft Garden; it is evident everywhere in our school and throughout our curriculum. At Beecroft Garden our art curriculum is used to celebrate diversity and difference as well as reflecting current and global affairs. Art links are made across the curriculum, enriching learning not only English and foundation subjects, but also making meaningful links with maths and science.
As well as enriching learning throughout all of our topics and providing all children a creative output, each year group gets a focussed art half term with our specialist Art teacher Mrs Wilson, where they have the time and space to create high quality outcomes.
We have incredible expectations for the outcomes our children produce. Children are exposed to a range of media, and work in all different scales and sizes, both individually and collaboratively. These outcomes are an integral aspect of the identity of Beecroft Garden and all children take a sense of pride in their creations. We regularly exhibit nationally and host our own annual art show and art sale. We are renowned for the ongoing relationships we have developed with professional artists and art organisations, bringing art to life for children and making us a true beacon of the arts in the community.
Throughout our curriculum children will:
- Learn how to use sketchbook effectively to develop mark making, explore techniques, take risks and to record and develop their thoughts and ideas.
- Be challenged children to produce high quality outcomes using a range of materials and media.
- Follow a clear learning journey / progression of skills and vocabulary, understanding the purpose of the skills they are learning and the outcomes they are heading towards.
- Be exposed to diverse a range of artists, from a diverse range of backgrounds and understand how art can be used as a form of communication.
- Learn to critique their own work and that of their peers and existing artists.
Children will experience:
- Being part of real art exhibitions, locally as part of our yearly art exhibition, and at a wider level.
- Art lessons with practicing artists, including a dedicated half term with our art specialist.
- Working with visiting artists and learning skills such a graffiti art, stonemasonry and animation
- Visits to artists at work