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RE at Beecroft Garden

At Beecroft Garden, our religious education curriculum is taught in an inclusive, creative and immersive way, where children are introduced and exposed to six of the main world religions over their time at school.

Children learn about differences and similarities between religions and learn about how different religions celebrate their traditions and festivals. Our children will learn to be considerate of other people’s beliefs and to recognise and celebrate the diversity of beliefs and practices of people in their community and around the world.

Through the teaching of R.E, we aim to develop happy, motivated and confident children who are compassionate and respectful.

Throughout our curriculum:

  • We celebrate a range of religions across the school
  • We learn about R.E in a cross curricular way; art, cooking, photography, writing for different purposes, dance, role play to encourage learning that is immersive and memorable
  • We visit local places of worship and have visitors into school to promote awareness of different religions
  • We use story books with rich language to enhance learning and bring learning alive
  • We encourage children to share their own religious practices and beliefs to be inclusive of all

What will the children experience during their time at Beecroft?

  • Children will have an opportunity to visit a place of worship from each of the six religions in the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus
  • Children will understand and celebrate key festivals and how people celebrate religious festival, for example by exploring food, dance and religious artefacts

We follow the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2018 to learn together through Faith and Beliefs.

RE curriculum statement

RE coverage