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Enquiry lies at the heart of our approach to science: children are taught to think like scientists, understanding key scientific knowledge and enquiry skills. They are excited about science and their curiosity is encouraged with children eager to find out more about the world.   Children work collaboratively together, sharing ideas and co-operating to develop enquiry, investigate and draw conclusions.   Children are given repeated opportunities to use this vocabulary in context, with a range of speaking and listening activities incorporated each lesson.

Children have lots of opportunities to look at how science is used in the real world with science themed whole school topics, such as understanding climate change & healthy living. Meaningful links are made with all subjects across the curriculum from the application of maths to explanations and instructions in English.  Scientific understanding also contributes core knowledge needed in other subjects such as DT, PE and computing.  We welcome visitors from across the STEM sector to engage and inspire and are members of the Lewisham Ogden Partnership, allowing us to access a range of additional opportunities for children.

Throughout our curriculum:

  • Children experience science in an enthusiastic and interactive way with opportunities for practical and hands-on-learning in every science lesson.
  • A focus on the five enquiry types helps children to develop and deepen their understanding of how scientific questions can answered.
  • Children learn and apply the full range of investigative skills: questioning, planning, recording, concluding and evaluating
  • We approach each unit of science in a specific way: activating prior knowledge, understanding key concepts, applying these concepts to scientific enquiry and ultimately investigating their own questions.
  • Children use a range of scientific equipment effectively, including use of technology such as data loggers.
  • We make purposeful links between science and other subjects in the curriculum.

 Children will experience

  • Opportunities to share their learning regularly across within and to a wider audience e.g. The Great Science Share
  • Participate in a range of high quality visits and workshops e.g. Royal Academy.
  • Extra-curricular science activities and the chance to be a science ambassador.

Full science curriculum statement 

Science coverage 

Science knowledge organisers