Useful Links

Useful Links

GSO Test

Statutory Info

Admissions arrangements

Beecroft Garden Primary School is a community school. Please read about our Admissions arrangement.

Equality Information

The Equality Information

The Equality Objectives

Our Equality Statement

Data Protection

Please look at our Data Protection Policy.

Accessibility Plan

Please take a look at the Beecroft Garden Accessibility Plan.

Financial Information

No employee at Beecroft Garden Primary School has a Gross Annual Salary of £100,000.

Please see this link to the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service to view specific financial information about our school.

PE and sport premium for primary schools

To read about the funding we’ve received for PE and sport PE and Sports Premium.  Swimming data for our 2022/23 Yr6 cohort:

1) Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m = 70%

2) Perform safe self-rescue in water based situations = 70%

3) Use a range of strokes effectively (breaststroke, front crawl and backstroke) = 25%

ECT Policy

Please find out how we support our early career teachers.

Relationship Education

Our Relationships Education Progression map and policy detail the how we cover the statutory guidance in each year group along with key vocabulary and suggested resources.

Values and ethos

At Beecroft Garden we have developed our own Visions and Values.

Summary of Attainment and Progress 

Please read about our  summary of Attainment and Progress.

School assessments results Performance tables 

2023-24 School assessment results and  performance table